LaceVault is Born

Each morning as the kids were getting ready for school, we would ask Viliami to tie his younger brother, Isaiah’s (who has Down syndrome), shoelaces. One day, at 13 years old, Viliami asked “Is there a way for Isaiah to tie his own shoelaces?” He may have had some selfish reasons, but knowing Viliami’s heart, he was determined to find a solution. Now, we know that because of his love for Isaiah, he was given the inspiration for what we now know as the Lacevault, a simple but effective way to tighten shoelaces. After many discussions, Viliami and I finally put the drawings on paper and wanting to know if the idea was viable and marketable, I approached PacBrand. I also sat down with many other Retail Outlets. Each one was positive and awaiting manufacturing to begin their initial orders. They even advised me that it wasn’t just for the disabled, but a product for everyone and that it may even become a trend. Who am I to argue with experts?
Designs… Designs… Designs…

In the meantime, we began to develop it, in fact 35 different designs and variations. We’ve spent a lot of money on designers, prototypes and tests. A fantastic product will absolutely fail as soon as it hits the market place, if it does not look, work or function the way it was designed. Many designers were frustrated until the current one finally perfected it. The protection of the IP was equally challenging as we have done everything to protect each design, upgrades and functionalities and so forth, which has come at a cost financially and personally to our family. It has been an enormous challenge, so…good luck to anyone trying to copy the Lacevault!
Clever & Cheeky

Viliami is quite a clever young man, humble about this accomplishment; he also is a high achiever in his educational pursuits. He is currently sitting his HSC and still focused even though Lacevault is beginning. His attention to his future and academic excellence is absolutely amazing, especially to us as parents. Isaiah on the other hand is a cheeky young man who has a thirst for life, to achieve, to challenge, to become his very best. He often stands in front of us in his superman pose, letting us know that he is super. We giggle each time, but are amazed by his vigour and love for life. These two young men have formed an amazing partnership of clever ideas, brotherly love and whatever success Lacevault will achieve will be because of the foundation they’ve built.
For Ariana & Others In Need

We have 3 other children, Kiana, a 13 year old girl who loves to sing, very sporty with self-control, knowledge and maturity that many adults wish they had. Fale Junior, a 10 year old boy who is very smart. He too someday will create something special to not only help his two disabled siblings, but for many others. Finally, Ariana…you know her story from our last blog, videos and Facebook posts. How could we just raise the funds for just her? No, this has become bigger than what we ourselves may have realised. The results and cure will benefit thousands if not millions who are suffering from this fatal condition. We’ve had countless investors approach us, but we have turned them away simply because the Lacevaults’ purpose does not involve an individual or a corporation’s thirst for wealth. Ariana’s newly developed condition dictates that we focus on a specific purpose; tests, surgeries, experiments, researches and provide Ariana and many others with a better quality of life.
The Train Is Leaving

To each of you who have ordered and stood behind us, either for Ariana or simply because you love the product, you are going to be rewarded at each phase of this amazing journey. So Lacevaulters, board the Lacevault train and join the evolution that was invented by a 13 year old boy, inspired by his brother who has Down syndrome to help their beautiful, blind, autistic, little sister to find a cure for a lethal foe, seizures.
With Much Love and Appreciation,
Fale, Leihana, Viliami, Isaiah, Kiana, Fale and Ariana Mahe
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