Wednesday, 24 September 2014

They are already Perfect!

Does the world seek answers for why some are born different? Why some are born with visible physical differences, some are mentally inferior and others with emotional ailments. In the olden days, doctors recommended that they be locked away from the world in institutions. Some lived their entire lives in little cages simply because the elite medical and scientific minds of this world could not figure out or find the answers for why they are born. They still don’t. “These valiant spirits are put on this earth to perfect the way that we think, act, love and live our lives. If the story of the Good Samaritan makes any sense, our compassion and service to these special spirits will perfect our minds, our hearts, our beings and our eternal spirits.” Someone recently asked me: "You have the priesthood, but your faith is not enough. Why couldn't you lay your hands on Ariana and Isaiah and make them normal?" The answer is very simple as my wife stated in our FHE "The priesthood is the power to act on God’s behalf, not the power to change his will."

The ultimate answer though is; they are protected from the world, they are God's most valiant spirit, they have their eternal estate made sure, why would I want to take that celestial gift away from them; to be normal? No, they are already perfect whilst we, the supposedly normal, need to work our behinds off, make good choices, withstand the buffeting and temptations of the devil, fight through the daily ups and downs to get there. No, I will not use the priesthood to unprotect them just because of my and others selfish purposes. As we sat down one night for scripture reading, my wife said to the kids: "Isaiah and Ariana have their eternal estate made sure, but we don't. We need to work hard and stay worthy so that we can be with them as an eternal family. Please, I don't want anyone missing!" God's plan is perfect; it answers what the world cannot answer for these absolutely beautiful and amazing angels that are living within our midst. 

Sometimes we look at faces, limbs and other features of those around us and with our natural senses begin to judge. We may even be like his disciples when they saw a blind man since birth asked: “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” The Lord answered: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” Then he made this startling statement: “I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” His constant invitation is to “Come Follow Me” or in other words he told his disciples: “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” “Whatever ye see me do, do thou likewise.” Is the Lord telling us that his work is to perfect the imperfect? To the Pharisees question: “Are we blind also?” he stated: “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but…ye see; therefore your sin remaineth.”

The Lord always sought, first, the downtrodden, the lame, the sick, the blind, the leper, the hungry, the lame and the disabled. After teaching the people of America, his first thoughts were:
“My bowels are filled with compassion towards you. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, of that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither...”
"Would it be that when Christ saw these faces that he remembered those great and noble souls that stood by his side in the pre-existence, completely unafraid and undeterred by the forces of evil that were about to overthrow his father’s kingdom? These are they, who stood at the frontline with the saviour as he banished them. Their gift was to be sent to the earth, clothed in a body, protected from Satan and his buffetings and receive all that Heavenly Father hath." 
Always remember and never forget; “They are God’s most valiant of spirits, perfect in every way, put on earth to perfect our hearts, minds, beings and spirits.”

Elder Holland taught: “Not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with, here, now, every day. Some reside in our own neighbourhoods.” The Lord said; “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” In last October’s General Conference Elder Holland said: “In any case we’ve all taken courage from those who in the words of the prophet Joseph “Searched and contemplated the darkest abyss and persevered through it, not the least of which were Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Elder George Albert Smith who battled recurring depressions for several years before later becoming the universally beloved 8th President and Prophet of the Church.”  

We cannot idly sit by and just watch the faces or hear the cries of those whom are afflicted with blindness, Down syndrome, bipolar, MDD, autism, ADD and deaf and do nothing…we need to “do something more”. Of such services are dignity, solemnity, compassion, understanding, clarity and strength born; of such is the kingdom of God. Elder Holland finished his talk with: “We must remember that these (broken) vessels are in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed, while God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, non-judgmental and kind. I testify of the holy resurrection…I testify that with Paul that which is sewn in corruption will one day be raised in incorruption and that which was sewn in weakness will ultimately be raised in power. I bear witness of that day when loved ones whom we knew to have disabilities in mortality will stand before us glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect in body and mind. Until that hour of Christ gift is evident to us all, may we live by faith, hold fast to hope and show compassion one of another I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”  

Love, love, love,
Fale Mahe

Scriptural References: Mathew 19:14, John 5:19, Chapter 9, I Corinthians 15: 41-44, Romans 8:21, Colossians 3:4, Jacob 2:17-19, Mosiah 4:26, 16: 10, Alma 11:45, 3 Nephi 12:42, 17:5-9, D&C 84:88, 88:27, 112, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland GC Talks October 2008 “Ministry of Angels” and October 2013 “Like a Broken Vessel”, Children Songbook Page 12 “A Child’s Prayer.”

You are our Little Perfection

Singing In The Shower!!!

A few weeks ago, we began to reach out and put a video on YouTube for Ariana; because we did not own the music they took it down. On Tuesday 17th September, as I was in the shower, the words and tune to a song came to mind. On the video, only a few lines were sung to backing music so Hana’ narration could be heard.

Here are the lyrics to: “You are Our Little Perfection”
“Ariana, through you, He showed us perfection,
Through you, He taught us compassion,
He never told us, only that we’d love you,
A precious gift that is given, to only a few,
Through you; you are…our little perfection. “
“You are our little perfection,
You are our love and compassion,
You are our light and direction,
You are our hope and inspiration,
Through you; you are…our little perfection.”

Happy Little Girl Slowly Fading

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Ariana is our little perfection; perfecting the way we think, act, love and live our lives. She was born without eyes, intellectually impaired, and later diagnosed with autism. Now she also has life threatening seizures that need immediate emergency interventions to save her life. The frightening reality is that we never know when or where another long seizure will happen. We have to be constantly alert and vigilant in our watchful care. As we continue to experiment with another new medication this week, due to night time probable seizure type activity, again with its own host of side effects that require monitoring with blood levels and blood pressure testing, we can only watch as her appetite becomes supressed, her temperament change and our happy little girl slowly fade.  Money raised will enable us to get better quality medical and natural health care, physio and occupational therapy, equipment, and so forth, ensuring her time with us is long, and joyful.

Thank You

We are a very private, we never ask and keep everything to ourselves and the Lacevault was to be released at a later date, but Ariana’s health necessitated that we reach out now. Yes, we are blessed with Viliami’s invention; we also have absolutely wonderful family; friends and even strangers who are buying and sharing to help us reach the 10,000 order mark. Tash did a presentation to 120 work mates; Mike offered thousands of dollars, some have bought 1, 5, 10, 15 and even more. We’ve also had many approach us about donations. While we don’t accept them, we know children in the community who would benefit from a LaceVault. If you would rather donate; purchase a Lacevault, nominate “William Rose” as your referring friend and we will donate it to Ariana’s school, William Rose Public, based in Seven Hills, NSW.  Her school caters for children who have multiple disabilities.

 Doctors Giving Up

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Recently someone said something that troubled me and maybe some are thinking; “You’re going to be rich once everyone knows about Lacevault”. We wish could share with you the vision some of the funding activities LaceVault will be able to carry out, in time we will be able to do so. Currently, our little girl’s life is our first and foremost priority. The images that are deeply engraved onto our minds is Ariana convulsing for 2 hours on her hospital bed, die, doctors giving up, revived only for seizure to again happen a few weeks later, die in my arms as her brothers and sister watched and only divine intervention brought her back. No amount of money can replace her little voice, her face, her laughter, her angelic touch, her singing and so much more in our home and family.


Words cannot explain the anxiety that we feel to see our little girl deteriorate in health and her happy temperament changing. This change necessitated that we reach out to friends, family and even strangers to spend just $12.99 in return you will get the evolutionary Lacevault, inspired by Isaiah who has Down syndrome and invented by Viliami, our oldest son, who just graduated from high school. That is your choice to help or to do nothing. Lacevault is an absolutely fantastic product for everyone, but it also has a greater purpose, helping Ariana.  Please get involved; Help us get the 10,000 order, then 2 Major Retail Outlets will begin to purchase 100,000 each to start, along with other stores. Again, simply spend just $12.99 for you or donate it to a child with a disability, share and like our posts, videos and stories on FB, Twitter and so on.
With much love and gratitude,
Fale and Leihana Mahe
Check out Lacevault and help:

Monday, 15 September 2014

Are you sleep walking through Life?

We take a lot of things in our lives for granted; family members, friends, food, shelter, the gift of sight, of sound, of taste, to breathe and even our health. If we could only see the things God accomplishes on our behalf on a daily basis, you would be amazed. A minute earlier and you could have been in a horrific accident. If you did not call your friend, would he still be alive? David lamented: “It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.” Elisha said to the king “Fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” And then Elisha prayed “Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes; that he may see.” And “the Lord opened their eyes …behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” Alma to his son Helaman, taught: “O my son, do not…be slothful…see that ye take care of these sacred things, yea, see that ye look to God and live.”

On one occasion I bought a homeless man some food, as I finished paying, turning to see if he was alright, he had vanished. Was that an angel sent to test my compassion? “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Two men, Cleopas (Jesus’s uncle) and the author of Acts (Luke), on the day the Lord resurrected, were walking to Emmaus. A stranger came and walked with them, “but their eyes were holden that they knew him not. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them all in the scriptures the things concerning himself…And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.” Often time it isn’t until we realise the worth of someone or something in our lives that we lose them and vanish out of our lives forever.

President Monson has taught “When you are on the Lord’s errand you are entitled to his help.” In family scripture reading, my wife taught: “The priesthood is the privilege to act in the name of God, not the power to change the will of God.” They, the Lord and his ministering angels cannot act on our behalf until we “open our spiritual eyes” and begin to act for ourselves. This is one of the devil's deadliest weapons: “You can’t tell them that God does not exist. Tell them that he lives, but blind eyes with things and pacify them with the comforts and the busyness of life. Give them excuses and rationalise why they can’t do it. Tell them that all is well. That will stop them in their tracks.” Nephi warned us of this “…at that day…will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.”

Are we sleep-walking through life and taking everything that God blesses us with for granted? Our spiritual eyes need to be opened, awakened and look to the treasures of God. King David asked himself “O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God.” Moses realised “…for this cause I know that I am nothing…mine eyes have beheld God…not my natural, but my spiritual eyes.” Nephi recommitted himself “Awake, my soul! Droop no more in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul. Do not slacken my strength…” And Moroni spoke to us today “Awake and arise from the dust…put on thy beautiful garments and strengthen thy stakes.” We must awake and arise, open our spiritual eyes as there are some absolutely amazing moments in our lives that we miss; take for granted and often times we casually toss them aside. If we do not awaken our souls, arise from the dust and stop sleep walking through the amazing and wonderful moments of lives, will miss out on life and its’ true purposes.

Love, love, love,

Spiritual References: 2 Kings 6:11-19, Psalms 18:32, 42, 42:11, 63:1, 23, 143:5-12, Isaiah 52:1-3, 54:2, Luke 24:13-31, John 4:13-15, 7:37-39, Romans 6:6, 12:1-3, Galatians 3:24, Philippians 3:14-15, Hebrew 13:2, Revelations 22:17-21, 1 Nephi 7:12, 2 Nephi 4:28-29, 28, Alma 26, 37:45-47, Ether 3:25, 13:8, Moroni 10:30-33, D&C 25:4, Moses 1:1-14, TG Man, New, Spiritually Reborn, Hope, I could not fit this, but read verse 7 of Hymn 85.


Saturday, 13 September 2014

Ariana, Seizing the Moment!

Biggest fear as parents

One of our biggest fears for us as parents is when our phones ring between midday to 2 pm. Why? That is when we arrive at the school and there is an ambulance in the school driveway.  Just a few weeks after we released the Lacevault last year, Ariana had her first major seizure, what a sight to see? She was diagnosed with epilepsy and given medication which obviously did not work as earlier this year she had another severe prolonged seizure where she died for a few minutes in emergency. A very frightening experience for us as nurses and doctors were telling each other that there was nothing more they could do other than divine intervention. Our efforts, time, funds and attention were now totally committed to her. We have been through tough times; Isaiah being born with Down syndrome, our flourishing business loss and more, and in the midst of it all, Ariana was born, no eyes, completely blind, intellectual and global developmental delays and autistic.When she died in my arms we knew that we had to do something to save her life.

Not your normal seizure

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The medical field cannot point her seizures to a single medical condition. She has rare neurological anomalies that not even the normal preventative, such as epilepsy medications, and emergency medications are helping. Most seizures by other people only last a couple of minutes or less, and they come out of them, but Ariana does not. These kinds of seizures may be referred to as clusters, prolonged seizures or status epilepticus. The implications of long lasting seizures can vary between extended post seizure recovery to a potentially life threatening situation.  During a seizure, Ariana is given midazolam, a powerful sedative that once absorbed into the blood, travels to the brain attaching to brain receptors that control electrical impulses that are firing at an unusually rapid rate.  However, there have been a few occasions where not even this powerful drug has worked to control the seizure, even when immediate emergency intervention was given to support her breathing and heart, her breathing and heart beat both on a couple of times had stopped for a few minutes. For us, that is where it really gets frightening!

“I love you little girl”

Ariana In HospitalA few weeks ago, while the kids were on school holidays, Ariana had another seizure while Kiana (13) and Fale (9) were watching, crying and praying as Ariana again died in my arms. Ariana had lost everything from her stomach and I found myself yelling “Ariana come back, fight for your life”. After a few minutes I quietly whispered “Father please help me, this is beyond my control, help me if you can!” And then as to say goodbye to my little girl, I quietly whispered in her ear “I love you little girl”. In her limped state her right hand reached up and brushed me across my cheek a couple of times and then she left her hand there, something that I will never forget. At that moment I knew I had been given a little more time and I also felt that she would be OK, this time, no matter what happens in the next few days. After cleaning her up and an Ambulance trip to hospital, Hana called me to say that she had another seizure, in fact a couple, that the emergency team needed to bring her out of, but I simply told her that she was going to be fine this time.

Another seizure

A few days later, devastatingly, a close 15 year old friend of ours died from a seizure, he was an elite athlete. Kiana (13) especially, who was there, was reliving what had happened just a few days earlier with Ariana. Only days later on Friday, on the 18th of July, as we were at this family’s home to be with and to comfort them, I had a call from my sister-in-law that Ariana was in seizure again. What? As we got into the car, again we all said a silent prayer. Again, she needed to be revived as now Viliami saw it for the first time. Yes, we are very thankful for God, but at the same time we also need to help do something to keep Ariana alive and give her a better quality of life. This was a cause that we needed to get involved in and to see that we not only help Ariana, but other families, like our friends who have just lost their wonderful young warrior. That is when the Lacevault came back into the picture. Detailed tests and researches, medical experts, neurosurgeons, medical equipment and services, preventative medicines, Physio, Occupational, Speech Therapists and their works, tools, equipment, and so forth for Ariana will run into hundreds of thousands let alone helping other families. We need more than just an ordinary fund raiser as we could not keep asking family and friends to donate repeatedly. We know that are some absolutely wonderful people, family and friends out there, but we did not want to rely on them.

LaceVault will help Ariana

Isaiah-PackagingSo now, we need something that will perpetually raise the funds to not only help Ariana and Isaiah, but potentially could also help other families!?!? Well, Viliami’s invention, The Lacevault, inspired by Isaiah and Ariana will effectively do that, but we needed to see if it was still marketable, so we had met with 2 Major Retail Outlets.  They absolutely loved the product and agreed to purchase 100,000  each, but only after we can show that we can get our friends to help us sell 10,000 Lacevaults.  So we need your help to get 10,000 orders ensuring that the funds will perpetually be there for Ariana. Buy one and share it with everyone you know.

Much Love and Appreciations.

Love, love, love,
Leihana and Fale Mahe